Mini Sermons

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

United we stand, Divided we fall

United we stand, divided we fall...first attributed to Aesop in The four Oxen and a Tiger has been used throughout history since approx. 560 BCE.  It has been used in venues ranging from state mottos, presidential speeches, and times of war to punk rock and heavy metal songs.  This phrase has traveled the world. 
It seems to me that this is one of those terms we use to justify our own cause.  We take people who are already like us and unite to hold out the enemy, much like the fable from which this phrase was taken .  I think we have forgotten who the enemy is… we have let the enemy divide us… he has set us against each other.

We have so many divisions that when it is all said and done we stand alone.  Oh we have our groups that have been assigned to… groups who also stand alone waging war against each other.  I could name them but you know their names already.  You know the name of the one you associate yourself with and also the name of the enemy in which you stand against.

These groups start in Kindergarten, cliques we call them, inside the clique every person feels alone.  You remember, don’t you?  Junior High and High School were the worst for belonging yet feeling alone.  Gossip and backstabbing made it hard to trust anyone…  The adult world is much the same.

We all have our ideals… the things we have learned from the time we were young until today that tell us who we are.  We are so self centered that we take that and apply it to everyone.  Everyone should be the same as us and if they are not… well quiet honestly… they are the enemy. 

It is time to embrace our differences and look for our similarities…. Stand with one another instead of against.
We are all people, humans, and we are all doing what we know how to do…  when we divide that camp we are destined to fall. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012


It has been a couple weeks since I have had time to sit down and write… now that I do have the time I have too many thoughts and topics swirling through my mind… 

You are about to experience the discombobulated thought process that I do every day!  Lol enjoy!

Changes are on the horizon… oh, what’s new… change is one of the only things that stays consistent in this life; some people hate change while others thrive on it…. I am more of a middle of the road person when it comes to change.  Some changes occur naturally; while others seem forced.  Many times change comes with a grieving process.  Lately I have been anticipating the latter… I don’t like that type of change. 

I have never been an emotional person.  It seemed that I learned at an early age to turn off emotion, to detach from people and material things because they were never consistent or reliable.  I was always in protection/survival mode.  In the last two years I have tried to let myself feel (sometimes to my own demise) and I do not like it one bit!!  I would rather be the “always happy” person.  Feelings do not work that way unfortunately….

I have come to realize that some days I am just not gonna be up and happy, some days I will feel down and contemplative.  I do not like those days, I tend to over analyze, try to figure out what has got me down so that I can fix it! 

I am a fixer.  I can fix you… I can fix me… I can fix the world…. Hahahaha… in my dreams!

Fixing isn’t always possible but healing is…. I have people in my life now that let me be who I am… who let me talk about what I am feeling without judgment, without taking it all personal,  that is a change!   A change I do like but it is gonna take a lot of getting used to!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

New Year’s is a time for reflection… a time to make resolutions… changes in our lives.

I can’t believe how time has flown by this year!  Or how many bad decisions I made in 2011!  Oh I know…. we all make bad decisions every day, we don’t always acknowledge them or correct them but we do…  I also made some good decisions in 2011.

I have been thinking about resolutions…
1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.

I have heard over and over the last few days… my new year’s resolutions are easy I will just change the date at the top of the list from 2011 to 2012… but no one is really telling what they are... we don't want to be held accountable for them... lol   like when i gain 5lb this year instead of loose it... 

We can resolve to do or be many things in our life, but unless it is truly who we are it will only serve to make us miserable.  I’m not talking about the misery of going on a diet and being hungry.  This is a deeper misery; a deep longing to be who you are, leaving a gaping hole in your soul.  We get our minds set on a goal and we go for it now matter how it makes us feel emotionally, spiritually, or physically.  Eventually it fizzles out and we feel like a failure.

Instead of keeping up with the Jones’ this year reflect on your life, your goals, and your inner being, pay attention to what your soul is longing for, where the emptiness comes from and make a resolution based on that.

What do you truly want? A better marriage?  more financial security?  a deeper spiritual life?  to feel better about yourself?  Find realistic ways fill the hole inside of you. Make a plan of action!  It won’t just happen because you wrote it on a list.  It takes work but if it is truly what your heart desires you will make it happen. 

Remember you don’t have to do it alone… there are many resources on the internet, at the library, in support groups and with friends.  

Once you have filled the empty place inside life will seem much easier.

My resolution for the year is this….  I have learned by reflecting on the last year that I didn’t trust my own gut feelings… I am going to trust my gut this year!  Oh!  and pay off my credit card debt! 

Tell me what your New Year’s Resolution is!