Have you ever been driving along, not paying much attention, and hit a speed bump? You are suddenly snapped into reality, scared, and paying attention to everything. Once you realize what had happened you wonder why you did not see that coming. If only you would have paid attention you could have slowed down and taken it easy, reducing the risk of damage to your car and eliminating the shock value.
The designer of the road knew the possibilities of driving too fast and not paying attention. The speed bump had a purpose and it served it.
Life has speed bumps as well, situations that slow us down. Make us stop and think. Make us realize that we are not paying enough attention. They usually have a purpose. Most times we have no idea what that purpose is we just have to go forward.
I often think that my life has an unusual amount of speed bumps. Not knowing the purpose of most of them until much later I continue to move forward slowing down a little after each one. Gaining insight about myself and the world they almost always make me a better person.
Life laid down a new speed bump this week. One I have never seen before and hope to never see again. It felt more like I hit a brick wall (but I’m not that bad of a driver!!!!) Once again I will keep moving forward, slow down, gain insight, and become a better person because of it.
I am not sure what purpose this new speed bump serves in my life or the lives of the people I love but I’m sure that someday we will all know. What I do know is that I will look for the blessings in EVERY day, and I will not consider the next day a guarantee.