theme is prevailing today… contentment!
Being content is a hard thing.
There is always something bigger/better out there.
facebook post I read today said “Do not spoil what u have by desiring what u have not;
remember that what u now have was once among the things u only hoped for....”
This is such a true statement!! When
we get what we want it somehow loses its luster and something else becomes
desirable. The trick is to keep what you have shined up!!... not always easy
but so worth it!
don’t think there is anything wrong with desiring to be better; to do better,
to be a better person; we always have room for improvement. We can do that without spoiling what we do have!!
the first time in my life I am content most days! Does that mean I don’t want
more for myself? NO!! but it does mean that I can live in peace with me. Contentment comes from the inside. Being ok with who I am and where I am, moving
forward peacefully. Changing and growing
are inevitable….the day I stop changing and growing will be the day I die.
can’t say that I miss that hole in the middle of my chest and when it reappears
it feels really bad now. Usually causing
me to spoil something I have, whether that is a relationship, my finances, or my
attitude for the day.
I ponder all this I wonder….where did that contentment come from? Why am I ok in my own skin today when just a
year ago I wanted to crawl out of it? So
much of life is a mystery to me. J
is amazing to me how we can live so many lives in one lifetime. Each one progressing to who we really are, where God has called us to be…who god has called us to be…
Be content…. DON’T SPOIL IT!
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