I like clichés or old saying and proverbs… I looked up the meaning to this one because it has been on my mind lately.
Ask.com says…. If it applies, take it to heart. The only history I could find was from the early 18th century. It was originally “if the cap fits”… under the influence of the Cinderella story it could also be heard as “If the slipper fits”…
This saying is most often used with a negative connotation but as we see in the Cinderella story it was good for her that the slipper fit.
We often take what people say to heart and many times get angry because we think they are talking directly to us. Ever been in a church service when you thought the preacher had been stalking you and was laying your whole life out before the congregation? I have. Ever been passing by a conversation and know they were talking about you because of something you heard? I have. Has anyone ever been talking to you about someone else but you were convinced they were using the other person as an example for you to get a point? I have. Ever read someone’s Face book post and could swear they wrote it to you? I have.
These moments are time to give the phrase “If the shoe fits” some thought. It is a time to look inward and see if there might be something to what you heard…. The sermon or conversation quite possibly had NOTHING to do with you directly except that it struck some sort of nerve. It is time explore the idea that it’s not about the other person, it’s about something inside trying to get your attention. It’s time to decide if there is something you should do about what you felt.
On the other side of this coin; ever got a compliment that you totally disregarded and disagreed with? These are also times to examine your true self and say thank you “if the shoe fits” instead of debating the subject….
We all have a conscience inside that picks up on the little things and alerts us to become better people, unfortunately we rebel against it and let anger get the best of us. Every situation, every conversation, every sermon, every blog holds a little truth for each of us… it’s what we decide to do with it that matters.
The Cinderella story has a lot to offer this subject. The prince took the shoe around to all the beautiful princesses tried the shoe on for size….Some princesses found that only part of their foot would fit it… sometimes we should take part of what we hear (the truth), make ourselves better and leave the rest…. Some of their feet would be totally engulfed by the shoe….in these times we might have something to feel sorry for or apologize for. But Cinderella… the shoe fit perfectly and she became a princess … we all can become the princess we were meant to be and live happily ever after if we just take responsibly, own who we are, and try to be the best person possible….
If the shoe fits…. Wear it
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