Mini Sermons

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Journey part 3

As we delve in to the next couple of passages I would like to reemphasize the importance of interpreting the verse in context.

Both of today’s passages focus on condemning the ungodly, as seen by Paul.    In fact Paul wrote all of the New Testament verses that are used to persuade readers that homosexuality is a sin.   

“Sexual immorality” was included in seven “lists of evil“ in Paul’s writings.  It is pretty safe to say that this was a problem in his society.  It is a problem in our society.  Could it have been the “thorn” in his flesh? 

We do tend to focus on and condemn people based on our sins.    

1 Timothy 1:10 NIV Timothy is urged to stop false teachers.  Paul says that the law commands love and that it is good if one uses it properly.   He goes into a list similar to the one in 1 Corinthians except  it now includes homosexuals.  In my studies the word translated into homosexuals in this text refers to men who used sex as a tool to exploit others.  In fact the King James Version does not even seem to imply homosexuals.  1 Timothy 1 KJV

Jude 5-7  In Jude the list includes sexual immorality and perversion.  These are paired with Sodom and Gomorrah and are implied to refer to homosexuality.   Sexual Immorality can include a whole list of transgressions that even married, monogamous heterosexual couples do together or alone…  But the main thrust of the passage is ungodliness. 

In all of Paul’s lists there are many other “evils” all of which point to a heart issue. 
Much of the “heart issue” that we see or perceive in the LGBT community has been brought out by the discrimination we have faced.  Being driven out of churches, communities, and families we don’t feel that we deserve God’s Love.  When a person does not feel they deserve God’s love or that God does not love them they tend to turn away.  It is much easier when we are rejected to pretend that we don’t care and that we are the rejecters.   
When we are the rejecters we act out in ways that are unappealing to society thus giving a bad name to LGBT people in general, much the same way that extremists in other sub-cultures do.

Many people in the LGBT community have reconciled with God.  Have a heart to serve God, to do right, to follow Christ.  Often times we are told that we are wrong. We are told that being gay and Christian is not synonymous.  This always brings back the doubt that we know so well. 

I read a letter to the pastor who stopped a funeral 15 minutes after it was to start and refused to do a service for an open homosexual.  Body, Flowers, and people had to move to a new location.  The letter is very heart felt and has one basic undertone.... put yourself in the shoes of the mourners.  Click to read the letter  Open Letter to Pastor Ray Chavez

If we could all wear each others shoes for a day.... the world would be a better place.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Journey part 2

Even the Bible is interpreted by our world view.  It is intended to be that way.  We pull out of it what we need, what God wants us to know at the time. 

 Have you ever read the same exact passage at two different times in your life and been shown a new view? 

Today I will start with the New Testament Bible Verses that talk to Homosexuality; As well as a condensed version of how God revealed them to me during some of my darkest moments.
I will not be able to get them all in one post so I will do one at a time… this will give us time to discuss.

Far too often we pull out the piece of  Scripture that we want to be true, we want to use a weapon, or we want to justify.  

It is always important to take the verses IN context.  Read the entire passage 1 Corinthians 6:1-20

1 Corinthians 6:9 references a list of those who will not receive the Kingdom of Heaven.  It lists “sexually immoral” and “men having sex with men”.  It goes on to explain how sexual immorality affects the body and refers to it as having sex with a prostitute. 

God takes a back seat because of the lust for sex.  

In my studies the reference to “men should not have sex with men” refers to oppression.  In the culture men used sex with other men as a tool of exploitation.  They raped other men in order to be superior to them.

If you take this passage in context you have to go back before the list and read 1 Corinthians 6:1-20   Typically in the Bible the list has something to do with the passage.   All of the items on this list have to do with idolatry, lust, greed, cheating.  Getting what we want at any cost. The Passage speaks to this. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Journey part 1

A question was asked of me this week by a faithful lady.  I was going to answer her privately but have been lead to share with all since it is a common question.

She wrote:
“It was always "black" and "white" with me concerning homosexuality and the Bible until you and then ____. I knew both of you well enough to know your hearts for the Lord and to know that you genuinely love the Lord. So, that's made me start thinking. I'm not concerned about the O.T. verses on homosexuality because I know there are many things in the O.T. that were having to do with the times and that we don't follow.
But. how do you feel that it's not a sin when the N.T. says it is? How are those verses explained? Like I said, I'm truly interested in what you have to say."

Many people have this question.   I did too.

I have no easy answer.  No short answer, but in the next few posts I will try to explain some things that I have found in my journey.  Things that God has revealed to me as the truth.

I always knew I was different but didn't understand it.  I spent many years trying to find the piece of me that was missing or being deeply hidden.   I acted out sexually with men, I got married and had kids, I got divorced.  In my early 20’s I finally understood what the missing piece was in my life but was told it was wrong, ungodly, that I would go to hell if I lived this way. I got married again thinking that either I, or God, could MAKE it go away.  I couldn't, God didn't!

In 2009, right after my 40th birthday I came to an end of being able to pretend to be someone I wasn't. I spent the last 6 months of my 14 year marriage crying and praying for God to make me what I thought He wanted me to be. What I thought the Church wanted me to be.

Praying, crying and writing it all out in a journal daily, feeling like I had gone crazy.  Begging God to show me the truth and restore my mind back to the point before I was so torn.

So started my journey….

The journey of finding the truth about homosexuality.

1. There is no "Black and White"  Grey is everywhere, in all situations.  We all see things differently, in differing degrees of good and bad.  Every person has their own journey, their own perspective, and their own agenda.