Mini Sermons

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jennifer Knapp

From the first time I heard Jennifer Knapp sing the words of her songs resonated with my soul.  I knew there was a connection.  He songs were begging God to change her... make her whole... make her right according to what she had been taught about God and His desire for her life.

Listen to one of theses songs... Whole Again

For years I considered my same sex attraction a thorn in my side like Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10  A sin that just wouldn't let go.  Something that would torment me.  Begging God to remove it... just take it away so I could live a "normal" life.

I wanted  to share this blog because what she has to say is so true of so many people... read the comments too!    
I could write the exact same things written here but why re-invent the wheel... enjoy

Knapp's blog from this week

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who's to say....

Washington Gay Marriage: State Senate Approves Bill To Allow Same Sex Couples To Wed

Another step forward for Gay couples to feel like a family… I will touch on Gay marriage in another post but for today…..

“Gay marriage opponent Jane Sterland, 56, stood outside the Senate gallery before the debate started. Sterland said she was disappointed by the light turnout of same-sex marriage foes.
"It saddens me that there aren't more Christians here tonight," she said. "I'm just very grieved about this whole thing. I want to be here for prayer support against this issue."”

This quote taken from the above linked news article makes me angry… What makes Ms. Sterland think that the pro gay marriage turnout was “NOT CHRISTIAN”?

This is exactly the point i was making in my last post…. We believe that we are right and everyone else is wrong… I have seen Ms. Sterland’s attitude in many people over the last few years and have come to realize that even I had it at one point in my life.

Religion isn’t the only area where this is pervasive in but it is one of the most outspoken… If you don’t fit into a nice set of rules then... are not a Christian. 

I personally know gay people who are strong believers and great workers for the Lord… who have been discredited because of the sexual orientation that God gave them.  They feel shame for who they are to the point of being rendered unusable by God.  That my friend is the work of satan.  He has come to kill, steal, and destroy and his work is going well.  Especially inside the walls of narrow minded, conservative Christians who are saying “it’s my way or no way”.

I understand that they believe it is a sin and that their right.  But it is not their right to judge whether or not I am a Christian….

The Bible says we are all different; that we all have different purposes.  It tells us that we should respect each other not cut each other off…   1 Corinthians 12-13

 If we could all embrace that we could work together instead of always battling… just think about the great works we could do for the Lord!